Dental Discounts plans in California, Do they offer true savings
Question: Does buying a dental discount plan really offer you true saving? How do you know if you are really getting much of a saving by buying a dental discount plan? Is there a way of comparing what they say your discount rate is to real dentist cost to know that you are truly getting good saving off the plan?
Answer: Discount dental plans are designed to help reduce your over all dental cost. Do they save you money? Yes dental discount plans do what they say the do they help reduce your total dental care cost. You only need to start calling around a few dentist stating you do not have insurance and get a quote based on that to see for a $10.00 a month or less dental discount plan it is truly saving you money off your dental care needs.
I suggest that you review the plans in question and call the dentist under the plans to confirm they are still accepting the plan. If you do that you should not have any problems with buying a dental discount plan.